My daily rants
- I am going to move forward. Ain’t looking back anymore 💪 09:00 AM IST 12 May 2024
Finally some “ache din” after a year long wait. Zomato share price are shooting up, wohooo!!! 10:20 PM IST 04 August 2023
What’s the point of putting serums, body-butter, eye-cream etc when EOD you gonna sweat like pig and let it all go away. dang it. Went out only for 40 mins and this happened. 12:40 PM IST 07 June 2023
I have no clue from when did I lose tolerance to junk food. Every time I try something shitty they end up showing on my face the very next day :( There was a time when I used to gobble this crap almost every other day. 06:35 AM IST 03 June 2023
The stupid barber nuked my entire hair, arghh!!! apparently he is a ‘stylist’. stylist my butt. got charged a whopping Rs 675 for a stupid haircut. didn’t even get to color my hair. the barber across the street would’ve done a better job than this and also would’ve given a nice coconut oil headmassage. 04:42 PM IST 29 May 2023